Embody Squarespace Template
Squarespace Template for independent yoga, Pilates and movement teachers who run their own practice.

Squarespace Template for independent yoga, Pilates and movement teachers who run their own practice.

password = “dia”
Embody is a website template designed to meet the diverse needs of yoga, Pilates and movement teachers who run their own practice.
Whether you:
Organize your own classes and have a booking system like Arketa, Momence or Acuity Scheduling
Teach at studios and want to display your schedule and booking links to the studios directly
Have an online / digital studio on Vimeo, Patreon, Arketa, Momence
Lead retreats, workshops or trainings
This modern and beautifully crafted template offers everything you need to share your practice with your students.
Perfect for: Yoga Teachers, Pilates Teachers, Fitness Coaches
Recommended Squarespace Plan: Business or Commerce Plan
Dia Collective's Embody template was the perfect glow-up for my Squarespace website! Many of its features make it seem like a bespoke site, and give it an elegant and professional touch I could have never achieved on my own. The template was easy to implement and adapt to my business' needs, and gave me some great prompts which helped me develop more written content than on my previous site. If you're a movement instructor or small studio, you will save time and money by using this template. I love it and I couldn't recommend it enough!
— Sasha Alcoloumbre, Pilates Instructor